Sphinx Forestry Commission


Lieutenant General Dame Jill M. Taylor, KDE, OGL, CM, CGM

Deputy Commissioner

The Sphinx Forestry Commission (SFC) is a uniformed civilian branch of The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association, Inc. This component is for all youth and any adult who like the Honor Harrington Universe and are involved in the TRMN.
Originally created in 2012/13, the SFC was focused on the youth of the organization, to provide a foundation for the youth to prepare them for the other branches. At the time of its creation, the only adults in the SFC were those directly involved with working with the youth. Now the SFC has broadened its doors to welcome not only the youth, but any adult who wishes to serve in the Sphinx Forestry Commission.
On the planet Sphinx the rangers serve in much the same capacity as our today forest rangers/land management commission. If you like animals and nature, then the SFC is the place for you. Have you been adopted by a treecat? We can help you get acclimated to having a new companion.
The Sphinx Forestry Commission is run by our commissioner.