Bureau of Planning

Second Space Lord
Vice Admiral of the Red Lisa Wiedemann, QCB, GCE, MC, KR
Baron Foxglove

Deputy Second Space Lord
Konteradmiral Timothy Simpson

Please contact the Bureau initially using buplan@trmn.org

The Bureau of Planning is responsible for planning and strategizing The Royal Manticoran Navy’s involvement in various conventions and other organizational activities. It is our job to help you plan your convention, event, or aid you in your recruitment efforts. We will help you make all of the above successful, and help you grow TRMN. We will also help mold and groom your members into recruitment machines. If you are shy, nervous, or have difficulty talking to strangers, we will help you find your voice. We can provide training and one on one help. The Second Space Lord and her staff are happy and committed to helping everyone.

If you have a certain program that you do at an event or convention and you would like the “official TRMN” stamp, you would bring your program notes and proposal to the Second Space Lord to review. Anytime you want the Official TRMN stamp of approval for these types of things, you bring it to BuPlan. We are happy to put our stamp on quality programming and events.

We are committed to the success of our members’ various adventures out in the fandom world.

And don’t forget, Explore Your Inner Geek, join now at join.trmn.org

To find out more about the Second Space Lord please visit Mantipedia